How your research paper is assessed
Writing a Research Paper (8-12 pages or about 5000 words)
Total number of marks: 100
This is how your research paper will be assessed:
This is how your research paper will be assessed:
Assessment Criteria
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Introduction (10 points): Focuses the reader’s attention on the subject of the research paper; clear, logical formulation of research objectives, research question, research hypothesis and thesis statement.
Table of Content (8 points): Reflects the structure and content of the paper.
Conclusion (10 points): Logically complete the development of the thesis, research question and research objectives.
References page (10 points): References are written in APA style, on a separate page. Follow the APA guidelines.
Format (10 points): Follow the guidelines for the format of the paper: Times New Roman 12, spaces between lines 1.5, and margins 1” to 1.25”.
Syntax and punctuation (12 points): Avoid sentence fragments, comma splices, and fused, incomplete, or awkward sentences. Avoid misuse or omission of the apostrophe, brackets, colon, comma, dash, ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period, question mark, quotation marks, semi-colon, slash, underlining, or italics.
Quotations and paraphrase (10 points): Effectively quote and paraphrase from sources.
Organization and coherence (10 points): Arrange ideas in a logical order; use transitions and other cohesive devices to link ideas effectively within and between paragraphs.
Spelling and capitalization (10 points): Avoid spelling and capitalization errors.
Grammar and usage (10 points): Avoid inappropriate verb or pronoun use, unclear pronoun reference, inappropriate shift in person or tense, redundancy, imprecise language, or incorrect usage.
Total: 100
Any of the following may result in failure or a lowered grade:
- Research topic not approved in advance
- Outline, notes, and draft not approved
- Research question lacking or unsupported
- A paper that is primarily an anthology of direct quotations
- Cheating, plagiarism, or falsification
- Frequent errors in grammar and mechanics that prevent communication
- A carelessly written or typed paper
- A late paper (submitted late)
- Failure to use APA referencing style
- A lack of correlation between works that are cited in the body of the paper and sources that are listed on the works cited page.